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Hit Film Inc. Production Vidéo communication sensibilisation Montréal Québec

Communications and social awareness

Lacking time and resources?

That’s why we’re here to help! We handle your turnkey project from grant application to final delivery. We understand how NPOs are often limited by money and time. Just share your vision and goals with us, and we’ll take care of everything. We do everything possible to provide you with a complete and efficient service, ensuring the successful realization of your social communication projects!

We produce all types of communication and mobilization videos:

At the heart of the effervescent promotional and advertising video sector, both corporately and across Quebec, HIT FILM stands out as a benchmark in creativity. Located in downtown Montreal, our studio proves to be an unwavering pillar of the audiovisual industry, thanks to our expertise in a multitude of specialized fields.

Hit Film Inc. Production Vidéo communication sensibilisation Montréal Québec

We produce videos for these sectors:

Awareness and Education

Information, Prevention, Training, Awareness, Culture, Environment

Community Engagement

Participation, Local, Dialogue, Volunteering, Inclusion, Collaboration

Advocacy and Public Policy

Legislation, Influence, Change, Rights, Activism, Reform

Crisis communication

Emergency, Management, Preparedness, Safety, Response, Information

Transparency and Reporting

Openness, Performance, Accounting, Reliability, Data, Responsibility

Social Marketing and Fundraising

Campaigns, Donations, Impact, Social, Funding, Awareness


Connect with your community

Our social awareness and communication videos go beyond storytelling; they are designed to inspire action and change. With iVideo, we add a layer of interactivity that allows your audience to engage more deeply with your message. With 360 video, we offer total immersion, placing the viewer at the heart of the experience and the cause. Together, these technologies transform each video into a powerful platform for social engagement and change. Do more than inform; create a lasting impact with our video solutions.


Un projet financé par la Ville de Montréal en collaboration avec le CEAF

Étude de cas

Le projet "Quel.le héroïne ou héros es-tu?" financé par la Ville de Montréal en collaboration avec le CEAF a marqué un tournant dans la lutte contre le harcèlement de rue au Québec. L'impact de cette initiative a été significatif, permettant de recueillir des données précieuses sur les expériences des victimes et témoins de harcèlement, ainsi que sur leurs comportements en réaction à ces incidents, des informations autrement difficiles à obtenir. Cette vidéo interactive a su capter l'attention d'un tiers de la population ciblée, permettant une sensibilisation efficace des jeunes sur les enjeux du harcèlement de rue et sur les réactions appropriées à adopter en pareilles situations. À la fin de l'expérience, les participants étaient invités à partager leur badge de "héros anti-harcèlement", transformant ainsi leur engagement en un phénomène viral.


Étude de cas

Le projet "Connais-tu la limite", financé par le gouvernement du Québec en partenariat avec le YWCA, représente une première mondiale dans l’utilisation de la réalité virtuelle pour la sensibilisation sociale. Hit Film inc. a innové en développant une des toutes premières expériences de réalité virtuelle où un avatar est utilisé pour immerger les utilisateurs dans la perspective d'une victime dont le consentement est méprisé. Cette expérience avant-gardiste, qui continue de faire le tour des écoles et de divers événements, a eu un impact considérable, provoquant une réflexion significative parmi les jeunes de tous genres. Avec une couverture médiatique étendue au Québec et des échos jusqu'aux États-Unis, ce projet a souligné le rôle de pionnier de Hit Film dans le secteur des technologies vidéo interactives et de la réalité virtuelle.

Connais-tu la limite

From Idea to Grant

Turn your vision into reality and maximize the impact of your social communication projects with HIT FILM Inc.


We offer customized support to not only refine your idea but also optimize your grant applications. Thanks to our expertise, each step of your project design, from A to Z, is handled with professionalism and creativity.

With HIT FILM by your side, ensure the success of your social initiative and make a significant difference in the community. Don't worry about the formalities; we turn your ambitions into tangible successes.

Image de Umesh Soni
réalité virtuelle

Turnkey Mobilization Projects

Hit Film revolutionizes community engagement with its Turnkey Mobilization Projects, leveraging the extraordinary potential of immersive and interactive video.


We design unique experiences, orchestrating activities in schools and at events, allowing the public to dive into the heart of social causes. Our spectators are not mere observers; they become agents of change, invited to engage in dialogue and actively participate in the discussion on topics that affect us all.


Choose Hit Film to transform engagement into action, and make each project a memorable collective adventure.

Elevate Your Communication and Engagement

Transform the way you communicate and mobilize around your projects with Hit Film. We capture the essence and impact of your initiatives through captivating video summaries, highlighting every key moment.


Whether you want to showcase the successes of an event, share the highlights of a campaign, or tell the story of an innovative project, our dedicated video production team creates visual content that captivates and engages.


Let Hit Film be the visual storyteller of your accomplishments, and watch your audience grow as they are touched by the energy and passion of your project. With us, every moment becomes an opportunity to strengthen your message, broaden your impact, and celebrate your successes. Choose Hit Film to make your mobilization projects a true source of inspiration.

Examples of communications and awareness video projects :

Want to see more?

Social Mobilization Video Production Services:


Create original concepts that resonate with your intended audience


Discover how engaging narratives, whether for traditional or branching video, make all the difference in the world


We only shoot
using leading-edge gear to provide
stunning cinema quality results 


Expert editing, colour correction and grading, SFX, and sound mixing ensure professional quality video


Launch a smart discoverability campaign to make sure you connect with your audience 

Our expertise in immersive video


iVideo - Interactive video

Gone are the days of passive video. Create a more liberating personalized video journey by letting your audience explore and interact as they like.

360 video

360 video - Virtual reality

Place your audience in the heart of the action creating an incredibly immersive experience for them. More than just a video, it's a world to discover and explore with every glance.

AI Video

ia video blanc.png

AI transforms communication by cloning your spokesperson, reducing the costs of producing multilingual content and formatting for social media. This enables rapid updates and global reach.

We make social mobilization videos for the government and small organizations.

Read more about social mobilization videos :

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